

This is the modern fairytale. No happy end, no wind in our sails...
- Basically, “Hurricane” is a 14-minute dream. It’s sexual, abstract, thought-provoking. (Shannon Leto) :c:

- Fucking under the bleachers is the most fun; it’s better than a bed. Trust me, I know. If anybody would like to fuck later under the bleachers, I’m in game. I’ll have you, know though, I’m not always gentle and I’m not always polite. (Shannon Leto) :c:
I'm in, Shannon. I'm so damn in! :-D

:french: :heart: :sex2:

@музыка: Enrique Iglesias - Dirty dancer

@настроение: *horny* :evil:

@темы: Shannon Leto, Цитаты


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