This is the modern fairytale. No happy end, no wind in our sails...
I'm living in sorrow, I'm diving my pain
My night makes me follow unapproachable aim.
This aim is illusion, illusion of you
And I'm in confusion, I don't know what to do.

And I keep on faking behavior and drives
I keep on pretending but the truth's in my eyes.
My eyes - full of sadness - are seeking for peace
But love's complicating my life to decease.

I wish I have never heard even your voice
You turned me to fever and now I've no choice.
Your eyes do obssess me, I dream you were here
Your rhymes simply weaken me, I'm captured by will.

You said you'd come back then if my door's still open
I trusted you sacred, I kept my heart broken.
And now I am dying, I'm dying inside
Cause of you and your lying to be by my side...

Июнь 2006
:shy: :heart:

@музыка: The Rasmus - No fear

@настроение: ностальжи..

@темы: The Rasmus, Моя сторона Планеты, Стихи и проза, Lauri Ylonen