This is the modern fairytale. No happy end, no wind in our sails...
Продолжаю перечитывать дневник, эти стихи, эти переживания, льющиеся с каждой страницы - мои, чьи-то, снова мои. Так странно, всё это оживлять в памяти, перечитывая, вспоминая.. Удивительно, но я до сих пор знаю все тексты, "дочитываю" строки по памяти) Тогда всё это походило на трагедию, трагедию моего собственного драм.театра, но так живо и отчетливо помнится.. Как писала строки, как лежа на полу, изучала потолок и думала, бесконечно думала.. ![:small:](
I feel I'm cold
My home is empty
I'm lying deathly on the floor.
My thoughts were bold
My acts were blasty
Too many lies I've heard before.
They told me 'Soon it will be changed'
They begged me 'Try to be believer'
They swore someday I'll find my place
I'll build my bridge above the river.
Now I am dead
'They' were my phantoms
I see no way for living life.
My heart's with him
My soul's in Finland
I don't see world that turns around.
My love is killing me betrayful
My castles on the sand are falling
My past was pure, my present's painful
My future seems to become stolen...
Июнь 2006
My home is empty
I'm lying deathly on the floor.
My thoughts were bold
My acts were blasty
Too many lies I've heard before.
They told me 'Soon it will be changed'
They begged me 'Try to be believer'
They swore someday I'll find my place
I'll build my bridge above the river.
Now I am dead
'They' were my phantoms
I see no way for living life.
My heart's with him
My soul's in Finland
I don't see world that turns around.
My love is killing me betrayful
My castles on the sand are falling
My past was pure, my present's painful
My future seems to become stolen...
Июнь 2006
Что-то вот такое..